The Origin and Mechanism of External Objectives

by Elias Jacob Singer

The sensory inputs experienced by our mind in addition to other perceptions such as feelings, balance, orientation, and stress are called somatics. Our combined present moment somatics are the somatic trace. The movement of somatic traces through time is called the somatic sequence. We also experience single distinct thoughts in a sequence and refer to the smallest unit of thought as a semantic trace and similarly the chain of these semantics as the semantic sequence. Semantics are symbolic interpretations of meaning imposed on somatic experience which exist as patterns of neural activity in the brain. Semantics index of the entirety of our experience and it is through them we retrieve traces from the somatic sequence. Similarly, somatics index the semantic sequence allowing the recall of semantics based on remembered and experienced somatics.

Somatic traces are encoded to semantics and semantics in turn are translated to language. Language itself is stored as a somatic sequence since it involves visual, auditory, and motor sensory experience. For example, you see a plant sitting on your desk and think, "There is a plant sitting on my desk." You don't see the plant and directly create the words, somewhere between the somatic trace and the language used to describe it is the encoding of semantics. It's natural to think of semantics as words, but they are not words. While many semantics easily suggest words, others are subliminal in the sense that they do not directly index words. They may however be connected strongly with other behaviors, modes of perception, or even particular emotional states.

The chaining of semantics in the mind allow for complex control of the body and its apparatus. It is also the control center of being and for that reason can cause the entire system to involuntarily execute complex orders. The force which calls up semantics in the mind is agency and the source of this agency is consciousness itself. Herein lies the danger of releasing agency to an external operator. A control circuit laid in place while in a hypnotic state can index semantics directly and in turn control the mental apparatus of the individual.

The mechanism by which individuals are controlled are rogue circuits created within our own minds. These circuits are implanted via posthypnotic suggestion (PHS) and operate independently, manipulating our objective hierarchy, distorting our knowledge of the world, and corrupting wisdom gained through our life experience. These circuits subvert heuristics and the evaluation process and thereby influence the choices we make with their ultimate goal being the actualization an external objective hierarchy at the cost of individual actualization potential.

The mind has the ability to build automated circuits which are triggered by semantic cues. Upon close examination, the modern human mind is operating on autopilot much of the time, with the controls handed over to implanted constructs operating to fulfill their own agendas. If you are not aware of this fact or find this idea absurd, you are likely under the control of a circuit right now. Contrary to the opinion of modern psychology, the hypnotic state is real and can be brought about consciously or via external agency through a previously implanted posthypnotic suggestion. While the mind is disengaged or otherwise occupied, an external agency can take control of the machinery of the human mind. Surprisingly, all that is needed to regain this control is a complete awareness of the process of evaluation, bringing to light these implanted circuits lurking in the darkness.

We have all experienced moments of clarity in our lives and it is in these rare moments when we are fully in control of our actions. The deactivation of rogue circuits is the ultimate goal of actualization in order to return the individual to a state of pure agency. These rogue circuits are constructed from artificial memories encoded directly to long term memory. They are activated via a posthypnotic suggestion, which is in essence a hidden memory. One common way these hidden memories are created is during a traumatic event. Because trauma itself is a hypnotic state wherein an individual is focused intently on a somatic while semantic activation is happening via an external agency.

Again, all that is needed to retake control of your individual agency is to maintain complete awareness of evaluation. In other words, when one is observing the somatic and semantic sequences directly, this is when the individual is maintaining control of agency.

We define cognitive bundles as the combined somatic and semantic trace held in the mind in the present moment. Memories are sequences of cognitive bundles which trigger each other in a cascade from one to the next. Memories, and therefore cognitive bundles, can be recalled via a semantic index or can be activated while in a somatic state similar to the one under which the memory was created. Normal experiences are stored in short term memory and then moved to long term memory, or consolidated, at a later time during a period of meditation or sleep.

Trance States and the Creation of Unconscious Memories

When subsystems are overloaded and stop communicating or narrow their communication with other subsystems a trance state can come about. Trance states follow a continuum from sleep to just below the state of full awareness. The trance state is entered when neural subsystems fail to communicate and coordinate. One way for this to come about is to simply relax certain activities of the mind. Sit still, fix your attention, close your eyes, and quiet the semantic sequence. However, this state can also occur under the opposite conditions of confusion, distraction, and sensory overload.

Examples of Trance States








Drug Induced





Sleep Deprivation




A hypnotic state is a trance state where the individual has given over, in trust, direct control of their semantic sequence. With this control the operator can create, alter, conceal memories, and create posthypnotic suggestions. Posthypnotic suggestions are semantic sequences which enter the sequence via an unconscious triggered memory. The memory is triggered via the somatic state since the memory cannot be recalled directly, or at least not easily. Because the entire bundle is not recalled, there is a danger that the individual will insert their own present time experience, existing bundles, or new semantic links into the covert memory thereby giving the posthypnotic suggestion a new conscious avenue by which to be triggered while still working covertly. In fact, for the most part people are not even aware how much their agency over their semantic sequence is being compromised. They will either be entirely unaware of the posthypnotic suggestion or mistake it for their own agency.

Examples of Hypnotic States



Lucid Dreams






Social Media




An experience had under a trance state is semantically encoded and stored directly to long term memory using a process called consolidation. This is in stark contrast to how long term memories are typically formed after an event. These experiences can also immediately combine with existing memories. While it's bad enough that subversive memories move directly to long term storage, the worst part is that some of these memories may be covert and contain the semantic raw material to generate a posthypnotic suggestion.

The memory of an experience created in a state of stress is hidden from the mind, it is only the index of the original somatic state which activates the memory. The index can also be blocked via a PHS in a phenomenon known as posthypnotic amnesia. The operator can simply tell the subject that they will not remember and later on the subject does not remember even when questioned regarding the events which took place under hypnosis. It is not the individual that prevents the memory from being recalled, the mind simply does not retrieve the information, much in the same way a traumatic memory is avoided. The amnesia of the subject can be removed via a second posthypnotic suggestion in which a command is given to remove the amnesia. After the removal, the subject is able to remember the events which took place under hypnosis.

Traumatic memories can also contain unintentional posthypnotic suggestions. For example, when in a heated argument someone says, "You always ruin everything." Later under a period of similar somatic state, the memory of the events where this was said will be suppressed but the suggestion will directly enter the semantic chain giving the command to "ruin everything".

It is now understood that some memories are stored in our DNA through meta information in the form of methylation. These memories are constructed in the very wiring of the brain during its early development and are the cause of many universal human fears and common phobias. And it is fantastic to think, if our DNA is extraterrestrial in origin does it mean we have memories from other planets? Is it possible that DNA was sent into space purposely in order to colonize additional planets with the buried instructions to build a sentient being? Or, is it simply the design of the universe itself which allows for such a conscious entity? Faulty semantic decoding of these prenatal genetic memories is also responsible for strange dreams, irrational fears, and other enigmatic experiences. These underlying semantics can then become the foundation for new cognitive bundles as additional trauma is reconsolidated into these ancient memories.

The ultimate goal of the individual is to enter a state of total awareness of evaluation in order to extinguish the control of external objectives. External objectives have origins that extend deep into human history in the unfulfilled objectives of individuals. We must become aware of and remove these repressed objectives and take control of our own destiny. We must move toward a state of increased actualization potential and in turn toward universal actualization with which we are so inextricably intertwined.

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