Frequently Asked Questions
What do Phenomenal Perfectionists believe?
Technically, we don't accept anything on faith but there are some fundamental ideas. First, we believe that everything we need to actualize can be acquired through personal experience. Second, we trust that the natural state of the mind is to seek actualization. And last, that we can fully understand the mental process we use to actualize. These concepts may seem obvious to you at first glance, but keep in mind, most other religious belief systems have completely opposite ideas at their core.
Can you explain this like I'm five?
Phenomenal Perfectionism is a actualization framework built on top of the multiverse interpretation of quantum mechanics. The insights derived from this framework aren't all new but it generalizes them into a single framework by combining ideas from psychology, cognitive science, quantum physics, and religious philosophy into a single mathematics. It's a pretty bold claim, but perhaps it could be called a generalized theory of cognitive bias?
I don't know what five year old have you been hanging around with but that was not helpful at all...
Hmmm okay... Phenomenal Perfectionism describes the process of how we make decisions. By understanding this framework it becomes clear how and why we make "bad" decisions and helps us to avoid them.
Is Phenomenal Perfectionism a (religion / cult / pyramid scheme) bent on world (domination / peace / salvation)?
Yes. But we prefer the term Anticult.
Seriously, you must be trying to sell me something... What's your angle?
Everything here is free and will remain free forever. However, you can visit our merchandise page and buy a copy of the zine, a physical manifestation of the information found here on the website.
Isn't what you're saying obvious? The axioms seem to be talking about basic everyday things I already know about.
Although many of the terms used in the axioms are everyday words, take care since they have been defined in a more rigorous and technical way. The axioms themselves actually describe a calculation called evaluation. From very small to big life altering decisions, each choice we make is determined through evaluation. The ultimate goal of Phenomenal Perfectionism is to gain and maintain full awareness of this evaluation process so that it cannot be subverted by external objectives.
I thought trying to be perfect was detrimental to my mental health, what is so phenomenal about that?
The word perfectionism isn't meant to require you to lead a flawless life, in fact it's quite the opposite. The axioms imply that your past is independent from your actualization. Perfectionism in this context is better described as a continual striving towards an ideal state knowing we may never totally achieve it.
Where did the term Phenomenal Perfectionism first originate?
As far as the internet knows, the term Phenomenal Perfectionism was coined by the author H.K. La Rondelle in his 1971 book Perfection and Perfectionism, Chapter V: An Analysis and an Evaluation of Phenomenal Perfectionism. His choice of words was obviously amusing since neither word takes on its common meaning. Rondelle himself was a fierce opponent of phenomenal philosophy.
I'm ready! How do I become a card carrying Phenomenal Perfectionist?
Unfortunately, there's no official membership card. Official membership is determined by the demonstration of your understanding to an existing member, but you are more than welcome to self identify. Tell your friends and family the good news. Enter Phenomenal Perfectionism as your religion on any social media or dating apps you use. Slap a bumper sticker on your car. Use it to put off missionaries from authoritative traditions. Results may vary.
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