Actualization of the Potential Self
As you climb the tree
One thousand branches above
Yet all within reach
The realization likelihood of a future moment is the probability it will be obtained from the present moment. The sum of realization likelihoods for all immediately attainable moments is one since some moment will be attained with certainty. Actualization is the evaluation of objectives against priorities. Actualization potential is the present moment expectation of the actualization of the potential self.
We define actualization as the evaluation of objectives relative to a set of priorities. In other words we look at how many objectives are true and weight them according to their importance. Notice that actualization will always take on a value between zero and one. Actualization represents how satisfied you are with the universal order at a given point in time. If you have an actualization equal to one you are fully actualized, although this is essentially -- although not entirely -- impossible. On the other extreme, actualization only evaluates to zero if one does not exist or if existence has been completely deprioritized by the individual.
Due to the sheer number of possible combinations of priorities, the possibility of tangled or subliminal objective hierarchies, and the unlimited human imagination the vast majority of people are nowhere near full actualization. To increase our actualization potential we must utilize our actions to make meaningful changes to universal order. A particular action can either increase, decrease, or be neutral to our actualization potential depending on the priorities currently under consideration. Maximization of actualization potential is the ultimate aim of human consciousness. Actualization potential is defined as the sum of the expected actualization resulting from a possible set of actions and this implies that in order to actualize we should select the action which opens up the most opportunity for future actualization across our entire potential self. We must also choose the action which leads to the most actualization long term and not settle for short term gains.
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